Cipher: Margret

From FFXI Wiki
Cipher- Margret icon.png Cipher of Margret's alter ego
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A scroll inscribed with strange symbols that seal away the puissance of a Hume named Margret. Chanting the enigmatic script summons her alter ego to the bearer's side.
Image: Cipher- Margret description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Cipher: Margret on FFXIAH" "Find Cipher: Margret on FFXIDB"
Margret Trust.jpg

Ranger / Thief


Decoy Shot, Double Shot, Barrage, Sharpshot, Stealth Shot

Weapon Skills

Sidewinder Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Arching Arrow Fusion SC Icon.png, Refulgent Arrow Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Piercing Arrow Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Treasure Hunter, Store TP+40, Ranged Attacks: TP+100%
  • Will try to stay out of melee range.
  • Margret tends to support her TP-abilities with as many job abilities as possible.
  • Uses weapon skills at 2000 TP and does not try to skillchain.
  • If the enemy has less than a certain threshold of HP (10-15%), Margret will hold off using weapon skills or abilities and only auto-attack.
  • Margret is fairly poor at opening or closing high tier skillchains due to only having a single weaponskill with dual element properties (Arching Arrow).
  • Gains 252 TP per attack.